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Laser automationFor your laser cutting machine is used for automation

The productivity and efficiencyThrough laser automation optimize your laser cutting machine

Our automation solution represents the highest performance and quality.You can trust us all the automatic coin material loader, contains the weight of the elevator control and tilt artifacts monitoring of blanking.To provide you with reliable and safe automation production.

BySort Teileentnahme
ByTrans Modular - the Title

ByTrans Modular

Highly flexible material solution, used to implement the automation of the laser system
BySort - the Title


Form a complete set of automatic sorting equipment, laser cutting system for you
ByTrans Extended - the Title

ByTrans ByTrans and Extended

Laser cutting automation equipment integrated up-down material system
Byloader - the Title


Sheet automatic feeding system, to achieve efficient handling
ByTower - the Title


Flexible and compact storage towers, is used in the production of the unattended
ByTower Compact - the Title

ByTower Compact

Automatic feeding and discharge, with integrated warehouse, form a complete set for laser cutting systems

You have any questions about the bystronic laser automation?We are happy to provide assistance for you.

The automation system configuration

The automation system configuration

Byloader ByTrans ByTrans Extended BySort * ByTower * * ByTower Compact ByTrans Modular
ByCut Star 4020
ByStar Fiber 3015
ByStar Fiber 4020
BySmart Fiber 3015
BySmart Fiber 4020
The characteristics of

The characteristics ofLaser automation complete overview

The quality of

Item fan of magnet sorting and using of modified sheet metal separation function can ensure high quality of production.With no scratches and fork road, plastic metal separator, allows you to produce artifacts can effectively prevent scratches and dirt.


Use our bystronic laser automation solutions, your material flow can be maintain flexibility.We pick in addition to large parts, plastic board and through external loading and classification to ensure that this goal.We also provide many expansion module (such as conveyor belt), storage solutions and configuration options.


Our laser automation easy operation.According to the product, which can realize unattended production.

Our software solution can intuitive operation, even if no experience also just as well.

To prepare for the future

Separate areas and safety to improve the "continuous" production.The coin material scrap management for our precious contributions to sustainable production.

No worries production

By the control function, let your trusted production.Careful planning of the fork, suction cups and blower can ensure your sheet metal workpiece when loading is properly protected.


Our laser automation machines can be configured according to your requirements.To this end, we provide various configuration options and storage solutions.Allows you to strive toward the goal for your success.

Our specialists will be happy to assist.We would be happy to answer all the questions about laser automation.


newsLaser automatic update

newsLaser automatic update