采用这些高性能的设备有新的考虑,然而。所有金属制造商爱增加切割能力。betway体育注册西汉姆例如,平均而言,一个新的20千瓦的光纤激光器可以提高切削速度50%相比10 kw光纤激光器电源。betway体育注册西汉姆比较有效的切割完成后使用氮作为激光辅助气体,这是需要注意的,因为氮气betway体育注册西汉姆消耗量急剧上升与这些新的高能光纤激光切割机器。遗留设备无法匹配的材料厚度,可以减少与氮高效高能光纤激光切割机器。betway体育注册西汉姆氮气体的选择,因为它可以防止激光切割边缘成为氧化,也就是当氧气作为辅助气体。(粉末涂料和油漆往往不能坚持氧化金属边缘。)导致下面的场景:一个金属制作者喜欢生产部分每小时比以往任何时候都更可能在其年长的激光切割机,和减少下游处理,如磨边去除氧化的证据,它使用氮作为辅助气体。betway体育注册西汉姆结果,制作者可能会使用更多nitrogen-especially如果切削比它之前做过。betway体育注册西汉姆这家店寻求更大的大部分坦克吗?这是可能的,但这也许不是最有效的答案。与天然气供应商的关系需要合同,这锁金属制造公司财务安排,提供更大的灵活性。 Also, in many instances, the farther away a fab operation is from the gas supplier, the more expensive the gas is.Increased consumption of nitrogen also begs the question if a facility’s piping system can accommodate the new volume of gas. Re-piping the entire infrastructure might be required with the upsizing of bulk tanks.After having invested in a new high-powered laser cutting machine including material handling and parts sorting automation, any metal fabricator would show interest in trying to minimize the ongoing costs of running the laser. That’s why more of them are showing an interest in nitrogen generators as part of the equipment mix when they embrace high-powered laser cutting.
近年来很多研究进行了天然气mixing-adding另一种气体氮激光切割过程中。betway体育注册西汉姆的主要动机是降息增加;betway体育注册西汉姆他们的想法是,一些氧气的存在可以提高切削温度,从而消除金属以更高的速度。betway体育注册西汉姆这在很多情况下,但并不是在所有情况下。气体混合的一个最近发现的好处是能够减少纤维burr-that毛刺和渣滓在底部一侧的金属,特别是铝,金属切割后与任何高能光纤激光器使用惰性气体(如氮气。这个毛刺材料冷却太快的结果,因为它是通过表面和底部喷射重塑轮廓的边缘。混合气体中的氧气的存在和合成增加,减少温度有助于减少毛刺,许多金属制造商可以忍受激光切割的结果,而不是担心下游去毛刺。使用这种类型的气体混合的结果可以很戏剧性的相比,连续使用氮气。例如,一个测试涉及6千瓦0.375——光纤激光切割。betway体育注册西汉姆低碳钢透露,97%的氮,3%的氧气的混合气体产生了110 IPM的切割速度,显著改善90年IPM只使用氮气辅助气体。betway体育注册西汉姆结果得到更多的戏剧性和高功率的机器。10 kw光纤激光器处理相同的材料和使用相同的气体混合物实现切削速度高达230 IPM。betway体育注册西汉姆 Using straight nitrogen as the laser assist gas, the same machine reached only 183 IPM.Those are just two examples, but metal fabricators can expect higher-quality edges, increased cutting speeds, and reduced nitrogen consumption when using these gas mixes. Obviously, the results will differ depending on the laser cutting machine being used and the prescribed gas ratio mixtures.Metal fabricators worried about oxidation of edges when using a gas mix with oxygen have every right to be concerned, but they also might be surprised. Some metal manufacturers have found that parts cut with a gas mixture of 95% nitrogen and 5% oxygen accepted a paint coating well enough and performed satisfactorily in scratch-resistance and weather tests. On the other hand, some manufacturing companies that required parts stand up to extensive salt spray testing, where parts are blasted with salt and water over a long period of time, discovered that using the gas mix during laser cutting opened the door to more test failures. Again, the application and user expectations drive whether the use of this gas mix makes sense.These gas mixes are delivered to the laser cutting machine through an on-demand gas-mixing system, which is both small in size and inexpensive. The gas mixer makes it easy to dial in the correct ratio of nitrogen and oxygen for the cutting application.These gas mixers are connected to the nitrogen-generation system and typically high-pressure dewars of oxygen. A bulk supply of oxygen typically doesn’t work for this setup because the feed pressure is too low. The feed pressure from one of these oxygen tanks might be 145 PSI, which is inadequate when compared to the feed pressure of 350 PSI from the nitrogen-generation system. If the incoming oxygen feed pressure is 20 PSI less than the nitrogen feed pressure, the nitrogen will displace the oxygen, and the gas flow will become unbalanced. The high-pressure dewars of oxygen keep that gas mixture in the correct balance.The overall size of the nitrogen-generation system comprises two main parts: the generation unit and the storage tanks. The generation unit takes up about a 6 by 6 sq. ft. and stands about 8 ft. tall. The storage tanks, which look like a stack of scuba tanks, are stacked close to the generation unit, adding a few feet to the overall footprint. The on-demand gas mixer is small by comparison: 2 by 2.5 ft. and about 3 ft. tall.The size of the nitrogen-generation equipment makes it a good candidate for placing it above the laser cutting machine, say in a mezzanine. To make the most of their existing square footage, shops are looking to go vertical wherever they can with ancillary support equipment for their workhorse machine tools. A nitrogen-generation system is a suitable candidate for this approach.
:应用程序管理器,丹·科尔特斯Bystronic Inc .)