Juin 2020
L'Avenirestà制造互连。La Smart Factory维持FoisCitéeN’est Toutefois Qu’undébutpour bystronic。l'obsectifétantunécosystèmequi qui les intreprises d'usinage detôlesaux客户,fournisseurs etexpéditeurs。LeBénéficepour toutes les party prenantes:une Pransparrence et uneEfficcité积累了tout tout au long delafilièred'ApplovisionEnt。
The smart factory’s centralized and automated process control makes easy work of a task that still causes many production managers headaches: Short- and long-term jobs are coordinated in such a way that all products can be delivered to the customer on time. All the available resources are used with maximum efficiency; the processes are optimal and the costs are minimal. There are neither waiting times nor bottlenecks.
The prerequisite for this is that all manufacturing systems – from cutting and bending to welding and thread cutting, and right through to painting and packaging – are networked within a superordinate production system. This means that the data from the systems at the CAD/CAM level must converge at the MES/MRP level. The networking with storage and sorting systems ensures a seamless material flow. And all this must ultimately be integrated into the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in order to create transparency for management – true to the principle: From shop floor to top floor.
Such an ecosystem opens up completely new opportunities for the customers of sheet metal processing companies: They can compare prices and delivery times for parts and components in real time using a single platform. A variety of material options and possible geometries can be evaluated with regard to costs and lead times. It would even be possible to implement changes to orders that have already been placed just moments before they are actually manufactured. And individual groups of parts within an order could be prioritized and delivered ahead of schedule.
All these advantages illustrate: Such an ecosystem would not only benefit Bystronic’s own customers, but the entire industry. In order to translate our ideas for such a system into reality, we have teamed up with the software specialist Kurago. Together, we are developing an “Enterprise Operational Environment”: A cloud-based platform that enables our customers to implement intelligent production management and that facilitates the cooperation of all parties involved.
We want our platform to also bring together market participants that previously viewed each other as competitors. Because the only way we can consistently implement the vision of the smart factory is by working together. A freer flow of data is in the interest of all of us.